I recently attended a Resource Recovery Center (aka Recycle Center) board meeting at the library. The RRC Board would like permanent information signs for the
location of the Recycle Center.
Those signs are now designed, will be colorful, and will also be the
general design for other information signs around West Fork for the Library,
Community Center, and other points of interest. In itself these signs are not a big deal. They require a small investment, and everyone in town will see them. The board had a vision, and with a few hours of work on my drafting board and several contacts with the sign shop, this vision will soon be a reality.
The thing about
visions is that they need to start somewhere, and often those starts are with
the simplest ideas and least expensive responses. I see needs in West Fork for beautification projects. Others besides me have similar visions: the
Rain Gardens at the library and RRC are examples.
Our city crew continues to clean out drainage areas for both better
water flow and better appearance.
We have started cleaning up the area around the cemetery although weather has
caused some delay in completing that task.
All these things help.
More can be accomplished through cooperative efforts between the city, the schools, patron organizations, and individuals. Working
together to improve the appearance and beauty of our town should be a
goal of all of us.
In the next few weeks, I'll address general ideas for businesses, low impact ideas for housing and subdivisions, cooperation between schools and community, controlled growth.
Your ideas are necessary. Post them here or stop by City Hall.
I really like the new logo and sign system. Thanks for lending your creativity and skills to the project.