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I’ve read and heard
throughout the campaign for West Fork Mayor that my husband, Charlie, is a
member of the Good Ol’ Boy Network or GOB Club.
That worried me a little because I just didn’t see it.
My concern led me to do some research.
According to my first
source, the Urban Dictionary, a good ol’ boy can be one of two things. One is
that a good ol’ boy
1 – is from the South. New
Mexico is south of somewhere, I guess.
2 – likes cheap beer. Nope.
3 – is a NASCAR fan.
Uh-uh. That’s a no.
4 – follows pro wrestling.
5 - drives a muscle car or
pickup – O.K., he drives two different pickups, but he sold his muscle cars
quite a while ago.
A second possible good ol’
1 – comes from old money.
That’s not Charlie.
2 – has a degree from a
prestigious Southern college. He graduated from the University of Northern Colorado.
3 – wears nice clothes
such a collared shirts and khakis. Not often. (They don’t make Life is Good tee
shirts with collars, but he does have a nice pair of khaki carpenter pants.)
Just when I was about to
give up hope, I ran across these entries from Dictionary.com:
· a person who belongs to a
network of friends and associates with close ties of loyalty and mutual support.
· a man considered as being
trustworthy and dependable because of his ordinary and down-to-earth background and upbringing.
there it is. Finally. Charlie is
trustworthy and dependable and down-to-earth. And, in spite of what some have been led to believe, a
network of friends who are loyal and mutually supportive is a good thing.
I can say with confidence, Vote for
Charlie Rossetti in the April 8 special election for Mayor of West
is, after all, a Good Ol’ Boy!